Louise Blog

Monday, February 23, 2009

Clearly drunk

clearly drunk

It’s always nice to hear from you. GREGORY: I’ll call you after dinner. IMUS: NBC Chief White House Correspondant from New Delhi, India. Clearly drunk.
Being "clearly drunk" is enough for the cop to investigate, but not always enough to get a conviction (the person could say, "I was just very tired," and might get acquitted).
Spicy Pictures of Girls on Break.com. Permanent Link on Break.com (to link directly to this video or email it) Embeddable Player
little me and a clearly drunk santa, christmas 1985 . blogged at www.burningtheletters.net . Comments. Dirty Boots Samantha says: I want that vest!
Sadly, that might be more than enough voters to grant him four more years of power. Bush is clearly drunk and the SCLM (so-called liberal media) isn't letting you know about it.
Kerry Katona, is she or isnt she drunk? (please excuse the video lag) Kerry Katona on this morning with phil and fern slurring her words, the presenters clearly think she is drunk
She was CLEARLY drunk. It wasn’t just the stupidy of thinking that Jason had sang twice, pay attention to everthing she did. The way she spoke with a slur, the way she danced
Proxy Website's: Clearly DrunkMore about Website: Clearly Drunk uses the latest in secure browsing technologies to help you unblock all your favorite websites.The Proxy
Drunk Richard clearly could not hold his liquor and was having a difficult time forming coherent sentences. I could see the desperation in her eyes when I took the barstool next to
Sweeney was clearly drunk. And one perceptive student told him not only that Sweeney had been drinking at the party, but that his beverage of choice was a Keystone Light beer.



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