Louise Blog

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The racist test

the racist test

Test yourself for hidden racial and gender biases with the Implicit Association Test at UnderstandingPrejudice.org
A portion of the Implicit Association Test is often referred to as the Racist Test. One of many applications of the IAT, the Racist Test earns its nickname beca
I'm a 39-year-old Black man and I'm a racist …against other Blacks no less. Compared to an unscientific tally of other co-workers who took the test, Black and white
Despite concern that standardized testing is 'culturally biased,' the majority of blacks and Hispanics are in favor of it.
Take the test -- You may be surprised. Are you Racist? This test made by Harvard will tell you. implicit.harvard.edu â€" Take the test -- You may be surprised.
Can a five-minute online test help tell whether you are racist or not? In the US, two million people have taken one and now a UK version is available.
The #1 free online dating site. Totally free dating services with hundreds of thousands of online users. Dating for singles, with personals, and fun matchmaking. Free dating tests
Ricky Gervais gives the ultimate test of racism. See how racist you are.
Ugh. Ew. Burritos?!) What's the matter? Don't you like going to the beach? Or do you like to let your toes get sunburned? If you burritos in the sand, they don't get sunburned or
racist test online noun . 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races

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